I enjoy working with a range of clients and have worked in branding, marketing, and UX capacities on large scale and smaller scale projects. I am grateful for longer term relationships with clients when there’s an ongoing need for writing work, and enjoy maintaining these types of working relationships over the years. I am always trying to allow space for more value and mission driven work, and enjoy working with clients who value trust, honesty, authenticity, compassion, kindness, and growth.


  • GTS/wearethefuture (Chinese shoe brand for women)

    Product, blog, emails

  • Furry Puppet
    Re-brand, naming, web, voice (newly named ‘UNCUTE’)

  • Snapchat
    Learning management system for new snapchat users

  • Google
    Live and web demos for google products, editing for Coursera curriculums, Google IO site

  • Nanit
    Emails, in-app copy, product explanations, survey outreach, insights for new parents

  • AWAL
    Emails, Website (collaboratively), App copy (collaboratively)

  • POND5
    Emails, Website, Ads

  • Scholastic 
    Ghostwriting for blog, emails, copyediting

  • Doppler Labs/Here Active Listening
    Product, email, website, Ads

  • Shutterstock

    Emails, ads